Dried out clay? Here's how to recover it

Dried out clay? Here's how to recover it
Dried out clay? Here's how to recover it.
Just take your broken or dried up pieces of clay and put them into a jar with about 1-4 tablespoons of DISTILLED water, depending on how full the jar is, and close tightly.
Give it a shake and let it sit for a couple of days. Give it a shake every day or until it softens up and you can mash it with your fingers. If it is still too dry add a tsp of water again, close and shake it up. Let it sit for another day. Works like a charm!
If you have castings that have warped whilst drying you could also lay your pieces on a damp wash cloth and cover lightly with plastic wrap. The pieces will absorb the moisture and become pliable again.
When you open a new packet of clay, but don't use it all up, then you'll need to keep what's left in an air tight box. Wrapping it in a baby wipe or wet paper towel will help keep it moist and ready for use at a later date.
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